DL69-2047 Multifunction Digital AC 300V 100A Energy kWh Volt Am Meter


Stok 25

SKU: DL69-2047 Kategori:


220V 100A AC Electric Display Voltage Current Active Power Factors KWH Voltmeter Ammeter Panel Meter Energy Wattmeter Reset

Technical Indicators
1. Accuracy: 1.5% 2 words
2. Range:
AC voltage: AC 80.0-300.0V
AC current: AC 0-99.99A, minimum resolution is 0.01A
Power frequency: 45.0Hz-65.0Hz
Power factor: 0.00-1.00PF
Active power: 0-30000W when the active power between 0 and 9999.9W, the display accuracy is 0.1W
Electric energy: 0-99999kwh, when the electric power between 0 and 999.99kwh, the display accuracy is 0.01kwh, when between 10000.0-9999.9kwh, the display accuracy is 0.1kwh, when between 10000.0 and 99999kwh, the display accuray is 1kwh.
3. Speed: 2 times per second
4. Size: 79*43*48mm
5. Installation Size: 76*39mm
6. Auto-saving: when power off, the electric energy will be saved. The saved electric energy will be accumulated continue when the meter power-on next time.

Application Method
1. According to connection graph, connect the green wire of secondary current transformer to the blueterminal of meter and make the wire of measurement circuit through the hole in the current transformer.
2. Supply power and start to measure and display the result.
3. Press down the button last for 5 second, the electric energy will to be zero.

1. The meter will be destroyed when you make wrong connection method with voltage
2. The meter can only use to measure 50Hz AC city electricity, it will be destroyed when use to input (green terminal) and secondary current transformer (blue terminal). measure square wave, output of inverter and correction sine wave.

Package included:
1 piece Meter
1 piece Current transformer
1 English instructions

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 0.1 kg


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